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Tuesday 15 April 2008

Recently i've spent alot of time at a friends house, And the game of choice seems to be four player Super Smash Brother melee.

I hadnt played this game untill recently, being a Playstation owner, and then a self confessed microsoft fanboy, the gamecube largely passed me by, including this game.

I majorly missed out, i've had a lot of fun playing the game, and the social group has a secret heirachy, when playing the game, you are more respected for how skilled you are, and what character you play as.

Its alot of fun, and im considering picking up a Wii to get Super Smash Brothers brawl when it hits the UK later this year.

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Article Posted: Tuesday 15 April 2008 at 08:40.
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  1. Blogger SeeJay | 20 April 2008 at 04:58 |  

    I know i havent done the appropriate legwork to justify the observation that is to follow but (here is my observation that may be incorrect but im still gonna throw it onto this blog as you kids are calling it these days) it seems to me that noone has commented on this web page. So here it is, what seems to be, your comment virginity Mr DW.
    I am not what you can call a veteran of this game either but when you have a few people that all seem to be the same skill level then the game becomes alot more fun than having youre ass kicked non stop. Im not a sore loser but you can understand how that can get a tad tedious. Im sure youve been in this position too on the third storey of a Hythe house. But still this game is a good after-party time-waster and if i could id get myself a copy of it but aside from spending extortionate amounts that isnt going to happen
    Character of choice: Samus - i think she ahas a nice varity of ranged and close combat attacks which i like alot. She is a bery well rounded player and quite easy on the eyes when out of her suit... hopefully SSBBrawl will bring about equal fun and variety with no suit Samus
    Well there it is, hopefully this will get the ball rolling and people can now tell me what a tosser i am for liking Samus and then vent their own equally wrong opinion XD
