Friday, 30 May 2008
OK now I realised that I have not actually reviewed anything that has just come out yet, I promise that I will, but I feel that I must MUST raise awareness of this game.
Did you ever see that film the Ring, now i know the story was about as good as Neville Chamberlain's attempts at stopping Hitler from rampaging through Europe, but if you take the scary little girl from that film, stick her into an FPS then sprinkle a whole lot of terrifying fucked up corridor scenes you basically have one of the only FPS games that i have genuinely enjoyed over 90% of in the last 5 years.
F.E.A.R, I don't care what any of you little Halo playing morons say, was an amazing game and the announcement of Project Origin has got me genuinely excited, sure F.E.A.R may have ripped off the Ring/ Grudge/ many other Japanese horror films, but it did have a good story, as for how it played, well I liked it, sure there were those points where the difficulty curve made you want to eat your control, but you did trip over medikits every 2 meters but as long as you weren't playing it in easy that wasn't ever enough for you. I can still remember my stomach turning every time I lost contact with people or my HUD started flickering, trust me when I say this, I never get scared by games: this has probably been the first time since I was playing Condemned 1 while really, really stoned and quite paranoid.
Anyway, I saw that this game is now also being made by (along with the original developers Monolith), Warner Bros. games, now forgive my ignorance but WHEN THE HELL DID THEY START MAKING GAMES, maybe they have always done it and I just never noticed but this is the first game i have ever seen stamped with "Warner Bros. games," on it so really i have no idea what to expect, are they going to try go with what I thought Bioshock were going for in the beginning and make it look like a film?? I suppose only time will tell.
Well I know that all of you won't have played F.E.A.R, so if you want to know the background go here.
Now aside from making obvious graphical improvements (though it still doesn't look amazing) and playing with the HUD a little bit, there is nothing I can really see that that they have changed about the Gameplay, though it seems like the repetitive soundtrack is once again going to piss me off I will evidently have to add my own sounds using my 360's media center and lets face it playing a game like F.E.A.R or condemned with Irish folk music really takes away the horror element, killing replica soldiers while listening to how people like to get drunk and party, all because the game designers couldn't be bothered to make the soundtrack more interesting and make me not want to tear off my own bollocks and feed them to Monolith.
Also they appear to have changed the health system, I love F.E.A.Rs health system. I know health bars aren't very realistic but they work much better than hiding until you stop dying. So as long as they keep the HV Penetrator (yes, a gun called the Penetrator) DW and i should still enjoy mowing down people online with that nail gun =).
Anyway, that's all i got for now folks, so I leave you with the best gameplay video I could find (a little boring after a while though, but the end is good)
Labels: F.E.A.R, Project Origin
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FEAR: The mindfuck of the gaming world.
Thumbs down on GSCE history reference!
Thumbs up for some awesome gameplay vids!
Thumbs up on AS history reference.