World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King: Death Knight update.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Now like i said i play a spell caster on World of Warcraft, anyone that plays with me will tell you that i am allergic to melee DPS so as you can imagine the fact the the first of these "hero classes," the Death Knight is primarily a Tank or melee DPS makes me very upset (unless they make it very like the Necromancers from Diablo 2, in which case i shall be a very happy bunny).
Now they have announced how the death knight character slot is unlocked "Simply have a character of at least level 55 on the World of Warcraft account you play," also that "You will be able to create one death knight per realm, per account." which in credit to Blizzard is something that i think they have done well with because figuring out a way to have an "unlockable class," but not making it to easy is a task i wouldn't like to have, so well done Blizzard *thumbs up*.
They have also announced the two role that a Death Knight will play in a group, there is the obvious DPS role, this is the one i will be interested in mainly because i know this will be the one that will concentrate more on the Spell casting raising the dead abilities that make me wet in my trousers. The other group role it has is "a capable tank for small groups as well as raids. His or her damage output while tanking will be respectable."
But the thing that really got me interested is that the Death Knight will be a tank that doesn't use a shield, because it was at this point i thought Blizzard have totally lost the plot, that being said i am reserving my cynicism for when the actual game comes out, though there is a distinct possibility that we may all have died by then, thats pretty much all i can say about the Death Knight as that is all that has really been announced.
Labels: MMO, RPG, World Of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King
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