On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
I played the Trial of the Penny arcade game today, on the PC, and then on the 360.
I really liked it. This isn't a real first impressions, because its late, and I'm tired. But after an hour or so of pottering about, I'd like to say:
- I like the combat
- The Art style is great
- I really liked the character creator, although basic, it really made me feel like i was in the game.
What I didn't like, was the ridiculously high price. I reckon I'll probably pick it up anyway, as the 360 is a little starved for decent Action RPG's, and this one is pretty entertaining, I'm a Penny arcade fan anyway, so the humours right up my alley.
Have any of the readers here played the full version?? Is it any good?
Labels: PC, Penny Arcade, Xbox360
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No voice acting FTL?