Monday, 2 June 2008
I've spent a ton of money on the Xbox arcade, and I keep an eye on the upcoming titles, I think its a brilliant idea, and it saves me having to dig out my retro consoles for a crack at Contra or Sonic 2.
5: X-Com: Enemy Unknown/X-Com: Terror from the deep.
This has been my guilty pleasure for absolutely years. When I was 11 I was given an old PC by my uncle.
Installed on it was this gem. Its depth of gameplay and teeny tiny size [16MB on my harddrive right now] make it a natural choice for the Arcade.
X-com mixes too genre's of game. Firstly, you are in charge of managing "X-com" the agency, Formed to combat an alien invasion. To this effect you research weapons, build base facilities, and hire soldiers for the m ore exciting bit. When you get the call.
Here's where it gets interesting. You dispatch a team of soldiers to the "disturbance" [be it a landed UFO, a crashed UFO or even an attack on a town] and investigate. This is the most exciting bit, slowly taking the team across the area. From the start, your made to outthink your opponent, after all, they have superior weaponry, and often superior numbers. This bit plays alot like PS one classic Vandal hearts, crossed with an "Aliens" mentality. I still play it today.
4: Excitebike
I'd like to be clear here. Not Excitebike 64, god no. The original. Excitebike was a nes game I practically grew up on, Simple gameplay, and an addictive quality trying to run through the levels as quick as possible.
I know this wish is practically redundant now, After all you can buy excitebike on the Wii's Virtual console last year. But fuck it, I want it anyway. I don't have a Wii, but I want excitebike for my 360. Chuck in the ability to share your created tracks with other people, and obviously a multi player, and you have a quick and easy, addictive classic, that would basically sell itself. I mean, look at the little guy. He's having the time of his fucking life!
Plus you know, if it was released I could get achievement's for the entire summer spent repeatedly practising those same damn tracks again and again and again.
3: Unreal Tournament
Hell, if they can release Quake 3 arena for the arcade, how about the better game? Unreal tournament is abso-fucking-lutely amazing, and while there are alot of games since that have improved upon the classic gameplay, including but not limited to the forthcoming 360 "Unreal Tournament 3" but hell, I liked it, I liked the original weapons, The fastpaced FPS and the unstoppable carnage that you could drop into at any moment. Pretty much every PC gamer has enjoyed this game at some point, and it was the first game I ever played on LAN. No screenwatching for the win!!
Plus, the Biorifle was fucking amazing.
2: Revenge of Shinobi
Its ridiculously insane how good this game was.
- Firstly, it was a top notch platformer
- You had ninja powers! Including, the ability to self destruct, and jump stupidly high. All ninjas should have this ability.
- In the original Cart, you fought against Batman, Spiderman, and Godzilla as bosses.
- You were a ninja.
- Ninja throwing weapons
1: Goldeneye
Another Virtual console release, although nintendo commited the ultimate sin and didnt include online multiplayer. If ever there was a game that cried out for online multiplayer, Goldeneye was it. this game was without a doubt the best FPS of its generation, and it pretty much conquered my inherent hatred for the N64 and its ridiculously stupid controller. this paved the way for me to play classics like perfect dark, and conkers bad fur day, Funnily enough both rare titles. So eh, well done goldeneye.
Why should it be an Xbox live title? Well, the map design was amazing. the single player wasn't so bad itself, The golden gun was funny as hell, and so were the variety of mines you had to play with. But the main reason I want this game? Online multiplayer. It was addictive as hell, and I absolutely loved it but I didnt have much chance to play it at full capacity, 4 people dashing around the facility bullets whizzing every where. When the rumours went around not so long ago that this was coming to the arcade, I bought 1200 points which are still on my account today, on the off chance that it'll one day release, even now, I hold blind faith that it'll just appear one day despite the multiple statements that it'll never happen.
One day, One day... No oddjob's though yeah?
Labels: Excitebike, Goldeneye, Original, Revenge Of Shinobi, Unreal Tournament, Xcom
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Haha Unreal Tournament would be great!
Also try to find a way to link back to us.
Mmm, maybe while Nintendo were committing their original sin, they ignored the great market there was for online multiplayer back then. Every console had it, after all. Silly Nintendo.