There'll be even more rating around...
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
What they're proposing now is the removal of the PEGI system for games given over a 12 rating. Instead, the games will just be given a BBFC rating, if they're over a 12. I don't understand the point in this. From a parent's point of view, the PEGI rating is generall harsher than the BBFC rating: for instance, last year, 30 games were downgraded from 18 under PEGI rules to 15 under BBFC rules. That's not helping the situation of defending the young, if anything, it'll just aggravate the situation.
But what's far worse, is that this will pile BBFC's workload far higher than it is now. They already have to deal with all the films coming into the UK, and now all of the games too? That can only mean one thing for us UK gamers. More waiting than at the Savoy Grill. I dunno what idiot (actually I do, Dr. Tanya Byron) came up with this plan. But I don't like it. It's not good from anyone's point of view. Not the parents that want to protect their children, nor the gamers that just want to play games.
Needless to say, this has been met by huge disapproval by the industry, Sony, Nintendo, Ubi Soft have all made their voices heard over this. And rightly so, it's dangerous to their business too. Why plug more bureaucracy into a system which is already dying from that? Children can only be shielded from adult games by teaching the parents who allow 10 year olds to play GTA and the such. Sigh.
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