Monday, 1 September 2008
Something different for you here.
The Amateur
The Amateur is a blog based on Hitman: Blood money. Detailing each of the Amateurs missions in a comedic style that I enjoy, Its slightly odd, And you'll likely only really appreciate it if your a big fan of Hitman:Blood money, But that's not a problem for me, Seeing as I'm pretty much in love with the Hitman games.
The Amateur often visits a local church on charity days so that he may both emulate his need for practically free soup, and his need to spark the odd religious incident, just like it says in the Professional’s handbook. He found himself beckoned into a room with the promise of special stuff but turns out it wasn’t soup, The Amateur’s convincing Professional disguise even works in public, speckled with croutons. They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said “Alright, where’s the broth”. Not so catchy. And here’s the target for The Amateur’s devilishly fiendish killing.
Give it a looksee.
Labels: Blog, Hitman, Hitman:Blood money
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