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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (rather late)

Monday, 18 August 2008

Right, first off apologies for how bloody long this has taken to do (computer problems last couple months, mainly my family! Feel free to stone me) but I have finally got the chance to do this review/general chit chat about MGS4: Guns of the Patriots, which by the way I felt was awesome. Even if I had never played an mgs game before this one I would still say the same as well, and before I go any further I definitely give this game a full 10/10. Probably predictable but still very truthful. By the way I am avoiding any spoilers for any crazy person who still hasn’t played this game, so don’t worry!

As I said in my first look of the game, this is a fucking amazing looking game, an now I’ve completed it (several times) I can follow this up with that I believe it’s the best looking game out on the market, and even mgs-haters cant deny that.

Playing as Old crusty Snake was slightly shocking, but still oh so very enjoyable, and seeing other characters from all the others games was a pretty damn nice touch, even (yes I’m going to say it) Rosemary. Otacon and Raiden were even more cool then before, especially Raiden, and Liquid Ocelot was pretty damn brilliant. New characters such as Drebin and Sunny also weren’t as annoying as they might appear……well not Drebin anyway. And the Beauty and Beast Unit were a set of disturbingly good bosses; my personal fave was Crying Wolf.

It was also a slight shock when playing the game and realising that some of the controls that have stayed fundamentally the same since MGS1 had changed, such as how to use the guns and now having to press X instead of O to confirm stuff, but I got over that, learnt to get used to it, an now they’re just second nature. Also it would’ve been rather difficult and frustrating using the same controls for guns from previous MGS’s in this, as they play a much heavier role.

Gameplay itself was just brilliant. Adding dives an a crouch walk an such now makes Snake move so much better, an makes playing it even more enjoyable, especially when u get that good feeling of dodging a load of shots with a well placed dive. Finding CQC had changed as well made it much more fun to use, and it felt easier to use than in MGS3 too. The button-bashing prompt bits when getting choked by Haven Troops for instance were very pleasing as well, and looked pretty damn stylish. Also customizable guns = thumbs up! Although half the time didn’t really feel it was necessary.
In fact if I had any criticism of this game, it wouldn’t be too long cut scenes (which I loved, and besides you could pause them!), it wouldn’t be that I felt they traded stealth for combat (you could do what you wanted to, so it was in fact made more open for those crap at stealth), it wouldn’t even be how vamp was still an immortal bastard and how liquid ocelot still said ‘BROTHER!!!’ every time he clocked me……ok I’m going off a bit here.

What I was leading up to was that I felt that there might have been a tad too much equipment for one player to use. This was a problem I had with MGS2 as well, that you were given so much equipment to use of which I only really use about five or six things now, unlike MGS1 and MGS3 where I used almost everything given to me, because it was definitely needed. Not that it really matters though in the scheme of things, and I of course tested everything!

In the end this is the biggest and most impressive chapter of MGS, and such a way to finish of Solid Snake’s story. There are so many twists and turns (CLICHÉ!) and in every act there is always something different and fresh thrown in. And Act 4, well…..that’s all I’m going to say. This is one of the extremely few games that have touched me emotionally and made me believing the characters are real and wanting them to succeed, keeping me gripped till the very end. Oh and the ending? What an ending it is, just what an ending…..want to know more? THEN PLAY IT!!

One technical problem with me though is that i currently dont have online, so don't have a say on MG Online just yet, but when i do ill put a say on here.

Btw there was one good thing about taking so long to do this: I’ve now completed the game a fair bit and I’m currently on my FOXHOUND emblem play on Big Boss Hard, and I’ve got some stats to share!

Here is the stats for my first time of completing the game:

And here is the stats for my second time, in which I got the FOX emblem, which I was rather proud of.

Now I feel its time to get DW round to play it, as he has been wanting to and I’ve unfortunately kept him waiting.


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Article Posted: Monday, 18 August 2008 at 15:42.
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