WOW: Wrath of the Lich king new talents
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Well i know i'm late in posting once again, but i only reactivated my WoW account yesterday evening then went on a huge PVP honor grind (S2 here i come), anywho i'm not really sure about these new Talents, obviously not being a melee DPS player i'm not going to look at any form of brick shithouse, of knifey in the back arsehole, but i did give the Spellcasters a good look (by that i mean balance Drood, Priest, Mage, Shammy) and ofc the Death knight, but i would like to ask Blizzard what is the point in posting Talents for a brand new class when we have no idea what the abilities do *claps* well done blizzard once again you have shown you are as competant as a 4 year old doing brain surgery.
http://wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/talents/wrath/deathknight/talents.html <----- thats the link for those of you that want it.
But as i really can't be arsed to do a huge in depth article i'm going to say that i have looked at them all, though i know nothing is final i have a few things to say.
1) Doing anything that specialises a character in a game is no easy task, neither is introducing new content, because you are never going to please everybody ( i did say this in my "Death Knight first look," but i think that blizzard do a good job in making balanced talents, so before you all go post on the WoW forums that they didn't give you a near instant kill talent think about that.
2) They should have taken my idea for a summonable phonix on the end of the Fire mage tree.
Yeah like i said i really can't be bothered right now because no matter what i write you guys arn't going to like it.
Tomorrow hopefully should be doing Age of Conan (yes i know i'm late on that one aswell).
Darkshadowfang out
Labels: World Of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King
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