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If Team Fortress 2 falls in a forest, does anyone buy content?

Friday 22 August 2008

Written by: Jayge

This relates specifically to this article. You should read it if you'd like this post to make sense.

I think it's great that we finally get to see the updates on the 360, and it's awesome to have them all at once. I was the first person I knew to get 100% of the achievements in the console version when The Orange Box came out. Granted, it looks like Microsoft is pulling the whole "The trains run on time, and the DLC costs money" Mussolini-esque totalitarian content scheme. It's a crap shoot and they know it- they've known it since Epic itself tried to go against that and release free packs, only to be stiff-armed by the big M$.

The question is, will I buy this? I got all of my achievements in the PC version through several achievement-specific servers, as the normal ones seem ridiculously challenging for the payoff. Nobody will have the liberty of dedicated custom-map servers on the 360. There'll be people who stand there for hours and hours grinding them, sure, but none of us have that kind of time in the fall season! I'm happy for the new maps and weapons, but they'd need to be drastically rebalanced for the consoles. I can say that I don't know if I've ever talked to anybody who got all of their weapons legitimately. I'd bet most of you could say the same.

So when the time comes, will I support this venture, or recommend it to you guys? I don't know. Sadly, probably not. I own the PC version and get this stuff for free, earlier, and it's better. Perhaps if the PS3 version wasn't a port, and it had an Unreal Tournament III style content sharing structure, I'd go for it; but I don't really like the PS3 controller for shooters, or even have a PS3 to play it on yet.

So I'll stick to my mouse and keyboard. Thanks for greedily screwing up good concepts again, Microsoft.

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