Thursday, 17 April 2008
The rockstar social club is due to start preregistration today, it hasnt opened yet at 4pm BST but you everyone should preregister so they dont have to waste any time when they actually get GTA4.
The Rockstar Social club, for those of you in the dark, is a Stat tracking website which will feature all manner of leaderboards and statistics based on your experiences on rockstar games. GTA4 will launch the website, and personally as i'm a total statwhore, im pretty excited.
you can register for the playstation 3 or 360 editions of the game.
EDIT: almost 11pm BST now, and still no prereg access.
Labels: GTA4, PS3, Socialclub, Xbox360
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Hurrah for statwhores!
Yeah I already signed up, I wish I could know exactly what they'll be tracking though.