Tuesday, 6 May 2008
You may notice i've been avoiding blogging about GTA4 since it came out.
This is because, when faced with the sheer vastness that GTA4 actually is, i'm lost for how to describe it.
Today I was going to discuss it. But hey, its PSday, which means theres far more interesting PS3 news to talk about.
Sony held this event at the 02 arena in london, And the exciting news for me was new Killzone 2 screens and the announcement of it's release next febuary, and the announcement of a Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 Bundle shortly after the games release in June.Another thing that caught my eye from the coverage was the new EA prospect, Mirror Edge. EA claims to be putting you "in an action game, Instead of watching an action game" and so I'm going to keep an eye on it from now on.
Labels: Killzone 2, Mirror Edge, PS3, PSday
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The bundle will be cool, but KZ2 can bite me. My thought's exactly on GTA IV.