Friday, 20 June 2008
As promised, here is my article about Sonic the hedgehog, From January. everything from here on in is unedited.
So, Yesterday i had a bit of a blast from the past.
i went to a friends house, and as for gaming apparatus, she only had a gamecube. Now, I have had my Xbox360 system for almost a year now, and i was hungerering for some photorealistic graphics.
That was until she pulled out a copy of "sonic mega collection" from somewhere, and loaded it up, and i fell in love all over again, The blistering speed, the simple controls, The fact that 6 of us were crowded around a single gamecube controller, playing the classic "one life each" gameplay that i remember from my early years, It was brilliant, we fired through sonic two.
This got me thinking though.. Why are games not like this anymore?? with all the photoreal graphics, and the Realistic physics, what happened to a game simply being fun?? We had 3 girls present and they were playing sonic almost as much as the boys, in fact, they were positively clamouring for their turn to chuck sonic headlong through the levels,
later sonic games lost the feel, speaking from my days as an 8 year old with nothing but a megadrive and a copy of sonic two, i can safely say i appreciate the gameplay, I remember practically going into overdraft so i could get sonic 1 on the xbox live marketplace the day it was released, and to this day, i've played it more then practically every game i own.
Sonic adventure on the dreamcast made an effort to make sonic more involving, and succeeded, to be honest, in little more then to make a joke of the franchise, The great sonic games of the Megadrive era are nothing more then faded memories in the heads of people like me, and the thought scares me, hell, i'll go out on a limb and say that mario games are equally as unforgettable, but they have been long forgotten in their original forms, Hell, sonic was all about running through levels in under a minute, dodging spikes, springs and everything the dreaded eggman could throw at you, and everyone loved it, And from the looks of last nights playthrough of pretty much every game on that collection, they still do, So... The point i'm making in this editiorial, is, maybe sega, or whoever the hell owns the sonic brand now, should make a game just like that, Not another "sonic the hedgehog" travesty for the xbox360., with voice acting and a "seriously serious" storyline, but just a simple "get from point A to point B" game trying to recreate the feel of the original platformers, because, in an age where the launch line up looks like a who's who in Violent bloody warfare, or long winded japanese RPG's, a simple, addictive game that all your friends could enjoy would be a real eye opener.
Labels: Original, Sonic the hedgehog
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