Metal Gear Solid 4: First Impressions
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Of course my wait was a little more pro-longed, by a whole day, thanks to the postal service and my lovely job (in turn making this post a little later then planned) but that just increased my excitement for when it was finally in my hands.

Placing the game in the machine, I was treated to 8 minutes of update time while I watched Snake chain smoke in the background (looking as cool as ever I might add) with the game itself telling me about how to look after the disc and about health risks when playing the game and such. And then once Snake said the words, “Kept you waiting huh?” the game really began. Needless to say I was close to wetting myself, dignified of course.
Going on to the start menu, I decided to try out the virtual training before stepping into the game, and testing out how Snake handled. And he handles very well, with nothing really changing in controls except for using the R1 button to kill. I tried out the CQC techniques, aiming the guns, throwing the grenades and generally tearing the shit out of the non-responsive blank orange humans (cannon fodder) dotting the area.
Then I decided it was time to start the game in earnest. Selecting the Solid Normal mode I started a new game and it began in the Middle East, with Old Snake riding in a truck looking very Assassin’s Creed with a load of militia ‘buddies’. I won’t reveal anything about the story for those who don’t want spoilers, so don’t worry guys!
Then hell breaks loose, and the Praying Mantic PMC pops up and starts shooting at the militia, and I found myself in the middle of a fire-fight with only my knife handy, wondering what I should do. Few kick-ass cut scenes and some running and sneaking about later, things really hotted up when I heard distant mooing in the background, and anyone who’s watched the MGS4 trailers will know that that signals the coming of the Gecko’s.

After half an hour I was breathless with excitement at all the new innovations and techniques put in, for instance I was doing the worm past Praying Mantis bad boys, and also how much more aggressive the AI is when they actually find you. And of course there was the Octocamo, which is ingenious I might add! The threat ring implemented in place of rumble also works extremely well and is very handy. And what about how the game looks you might ask? It’s a complete visual treat and the best looking game out at the moment.
Hell I’d even say it’s the best game out at the moment, but I have to complete the game before making that assessment. So now I’m going to stop typing this and pick up my controller again, and next time you hear from me it will be on this game’s review written by a very satisfied gamer, because I believe this game is going to satisfy me immensely. And that’s not a word I use lightly either.

Labels: First impressions, Metal Gear Solid 4, PS3
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I beat it in two days because I blasted through it with about 18 hours and 45 minutes.
I got the rank of EAGLE, which means I got a lot of headshots.