Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Here's a quick guide to the games of this month:
Ninja Gaiden II
This is my pick of the month for the 360. Following from the previous game called, believe it or not Ninja Gaiden, you play as a Ninja, Ryu Hayabusa, who is on a mission to avenge his clan (original) and save the world from destruction (not quite so original). Ninja Gaiden is a critically acclaimed game that I personally enjoyed, with fast paced gaming that is a little more complicated than simple button bashing. Ninja Gaiden II looks set to build upon this sturdy base with an enhanced battle system and a completely innovative health system, being a hybrid of the traditional 'health bar' style and the more modern 'regen' system. This, all in all, looks like a very worthwhile game from a trusted group of developers (Team Ninja), and one that I will certainly be keeping an eye on.
Platforms: X360
Release Date: 06/06/08
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
I've played the original DBZ fighting game, and I was not too impressed, saying this, I was never a fan of the DBZ series. However, for an in depth look at the pros and cons of this game, I direct you to DW's First Impressions on this game.
Platforms: X360, PS3
Release Date: 06/06/08
Sports Island
Another example of how Nintendo is attempting to change the face of gaming. Sports Island is a third party, and more in depth version, of Wii Sports. It includes 10 different 'disciplines' of which a couple of examples are Badminton an Basketball. However, the question for its popularity will be whether it can live up to the simplicity of Wii Sports.
Platforms: Wii
Release Date: 06/06/08
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
This is, of course, my pick of the month for PS3. This is the last episode in the Solid Snake saga, and is set to be monumental as such. With visually stunning effects and a grand amount of innovative technology, MGS will be a game for even non-Playstation owners to watch. For those of you already interested, I don't need to remind you of the basic storyline, and we can see included Metal Gear Online for those of you who like your 'social gaming'. I can say that we should all be watching this space.
Platforms: PS3
Release Date: 12/06/08
Sid Meier's Civilisation: Revolution
Turn based stratey at its very best. With Sid Meier somewhere in the title, this is guaranteed to be a classic game, though a questionable choice to not go on the PC, where the traditional fan base lies. If you're not a purist, and don't believe that Strategy should be confined to the mouse and keyboard, then give this game a go, it has the potential to be another great game in a long list under this franchise.
Platforms: PS3, X360, DS
Release Date: 13/06/08
Sins of a Solar Empire
This looks to be an interesting sci-fi strategy game. It involves building an empire, and destroying other empires in order to further your own gain. Of course, its been done before, but never really to the extent that AoE managed. Could this be the AoE of the stars (and I don't mean SW: Battlegrounds)? Only time will tell.
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 13/06/08
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
The first time this franchise has been brought to an individual band, and Aerosmith is decided on. Not sure what to say about this. I guess we can expect GH3 with all Aerosmith songs. Good if you really like Aerosmith, not so great if you don't. This really needs some big fundamental changes in it for me to consider it worth buying. It should be stressed that this game is not GH4, and so will probably just be the GH3 interface again.
Platforms: PS3, X360, Wii, PS2
Release Date: 13/06/08
Ferrari Challenge
This is the official Ferrari game. All real cars, and all real tracks. This looks to be the best racing game of this month, if you're an enthusiast, and if you're not, it might be worth a look in if nothing else here tickles your fancy. Unlike other genres, 'official' driving games don't tend to be that poor, so don't let the 'Ferrari' label necessarily put you off, this could be a good game.
Platforms: PS3, Wii, DS
Release Date: 20/06/08
Battlefield: Bad Company
This looks impressive, as can be expected. The storyline looks a bit whimsical... set in the 'near future' during a 'eurasian conflict', not the most original of scenarios. But the gameplay looks solid, taking part half way between squad based and trad-Battlefield play. The online will be up to 24 players, and looks set to improve on previous Battlefield games. This may give MGS a run for its money in sales on the PS3 this month.
Platforms: X360, PS3
Release Date: 27/06/08Super Smash Bros.: Brawl
This is my pick for the Wii this month. For those who haven't played this series, explaining it would be pointless because it would just come across as a simple beat-em-up game. But it's so much more than that. Super Smash Bros. is an opportunity to get inside the minds of Nintendo characters and really understand what makes them tick... and then get them to kick the arses of other Ninty characters. Great fun for fans of Nintendo, and more sceptical people. Even if this game only changed the stages of the previous game, Melee, it would still come out great.
Platforms: Wii
Release Date: 27/06/08
Robert Ludlum's: The Bourne Conspiracy
Not based on any of the films, but instead one of the books, the demo of this was not looked favourably on by DW, in his First Impressions, which is a shame, because I thought it looked quite good till I read the preview.
Platforms: X360, PS3
Release Date: 27/06/08
This looks to be a good month for gaming, with MGS, Super Smash Bros. and Ninja Gaiden II. You can expect reviews for the best games here. I know that the review for DBZ and Ninja Gaiden will be up hopefully this weekend. Keep reading.
Labels: PC, PS3, The Month, Xbox360
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