Sunday, 13 July 2008
Now i know that most of you have probably forgotten who i am, seeing as how the last thing i posted was nearly a month ago, but there is a reason for this, i have been partying, i have had school and i had my soul removed by Super Smash Brothers Brawl, so now after finally removing myself from it, also finished partying and school being finished i have decided to write a very hungover review for the reason i havn't been out in the last month.
In my first post i said that i was addicted to Melee (the previous installment), since the age of 13 and with the release of Brawl things have only worsened, this may make me a little bias in this review but i'm the guy who writes on the blog not you so go stick it.
Brawl is quite simply, Melee . . . . . . but it's Melee with more characters (and the unfortunate death of Pikchu, Dr Mario, Mewtwo and Roy, no great loss =P) More items and i hesitate before i say this but better graphics.
I'm not one to really care about Graphics, but i felt in this case something must be said, while there has been some improovment, it is only so much as say Halo 2 to Halo 3, so it's slightly shinier, but they could have done a whole lot more, i know that the Wii is the weakest graphically of the 3 next gen Monsters, but Nintendo have been delaying this game for ages, the least they could do is give us a bit of fucking eye candy.
While i'm on a rant, the gameplay for single player "Subspace emmissary," is repetative (they make you go through all the levels twice) and has essentially no plot line to it, i hate things that have a "loose" plotline, this may have somthing to do with all the characters not being able to muster up any words aside from their catchphrase.
The rest of the game also gets repetative if you play it to much, but seeing as how i normally only play this game when i'm with my friends and we're drinking we are entertained by bits of string, so nintendos poor attempt to put all their franchises main characters into one arcade style game works as an adiquate time waster, for up at my house when we are all hungover in the morning we spend hours playing it.
To be honest if you want my advice you would probably do better to buy a gamecubefor say 5P then buy a copy of melee for about £2 and play that instead, your really not missing out on much because the two games are pretty much the same, the original characters though tweaked are essentially the same, the gameplay is the same.
If Nintendo don't dramatically change the gameplay, they are going to turn into the Dragonball Z Video games, that with each game they know that all their fanboys are going to go out and buy it so they just put in a few more characters and tweak the gameplay a little bit and market it as a completely different game.
Now i've got that out of the way, i would like to talk about a game that when i saw it was annouced nearly caused me to die from shock, Diablo 3, i'm not really sure what to say because there hasn't really been anything annouced, aside from the barbarian is back and there is some new class called the "witch doctor," but i'll tell them one thing if they don't put the necromancer in for this game i'm going to hunt down Blizzards design team and stab them with world of warcraft figurines.
Though from watching the gameplay video (see below) i have realised a few things, one how mind bogglingly simple Diablo gameplay is and always has been, also that blizzard are selling out to no end, correct me if i'm wrong but i seem to remember destroying certain evil demons soulstones in the last game to prevent them from ever stalking the mortal world again feeding on Villagers private parts, so please tell me how it is that they have brought him back, i have heard rumours of a 4th brother the "Lord of Armageddon," but to be honest i think thats all the fanboys looking way to much into things.
Anyway, here are 3 videos of the latest part of Blizzards attempt to keep one of the three franchises they have alive.
also hopefully in the next couple of weeks i will have my new computer and will be able to do a review on age of conan.
but for now peace out =)
Labels: Blizzard, Diablo 3, Super smash bros brawl
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