Saturday, 19 April 2008
I hadn't really heard much about the iron man game before the demo hit. I was pretty excited about the demo though, i mean... It is iron man.
That pretty much sums up my first opinions of the game, from Download to the end of playthrough.
I did like the game alot, you can customise your suit, and weaponary, and theres a few different variants. However, then i played the game. and it all went downhill from there. I thought the graphics were nice and shiny, but when i ran fowards, it didnt feel like iron man. Also, iron man sounds like an utter girl. its all the little details that make a great game, and for iron man, they were all wrong.
not meaning to be deterred by the walking, i took to the skies, i mean, he can fly after all. I promptly flew into the wall a few times, then by luck rather then judgement, smashed through an enemy tank, and then, into a wall again.
Combat wasnt particularly satisfying either, Being a simple case of blasting tanks and missile sites with your repulsor beams, or hitting it in the worst looking melee i have ever had the displeasure of seeing.
I mean, im sure i could have a bit of fun with it, but the controls are a bit akward for me to do anything except fly at the speed of sound into the rocks in the desert, and it doesnt feel like i'd expect an Iron Man game to feel. so, i'm pretty bummed out about it.
Labels: First impressions, Iron Man, Xbox360
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