Sunday, 20 April 2008
Just look at that picture for a while. Yeah, that is Batman. Yeah, that is Sub-Zero.
Yeah, that is Mortal Kombat Vs DC, Coming out for all next gen consoles. You heard me right, Mortal Kombat Vs DC comics, in a fighting game.
To fully capture the awesome here, I'm gonna post the trailers.
thats Sub Zero and Batman, Fighting in one of the many Multi Tiered arena's. Not much has been released yet, but i'm gonna be sticking to this one like glue. its been a long time since there was a decent one V one fighting game.
Labels: Mortal Kombat Vs DC, PS3, Xbox360
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It's a crazy idea right? I heard they're taking out fatalities too! This isn't even going to be Mortal Kombat anymore!
Anyway Jake, this is Jayge from the Attention All Friends blog.
You know my better as mailman B :-P
I'll try and get Pirate to throw in a link, since I'm just an author and he's the admin.
Peace out.
sure man, I'll chuck this one up in advance.